Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Receiving His Grace

When we have failed in prayer and worship, it is often because we are unsettled about unanswered questions. The best thing to do is plant a seed of faith, bearing testimony of the questions Krishna has answered. Tell someone all about the joy you have felt in service to Krishna. Tell someone about the profound Word Of Krishna; how his logic is The Logic Itself. How when he speaks to your heart, all of your questions are satisfied by sheer devotion to The Beauty of Chrsmata, His Spirit. Once we have tasted that joy, nothing past, present or future will ever matter again. Krsna offers His Spirit as a free gift. It is the very life we live and it is already ours. It is because we have forgotten the lord that we must be brought back to him. It's not our actions, mistakes or sins. Krsna forgives all sin and is the owner of souls, forever and ever; He is in no hurry.

Krishna blesses all testimony or witness of His Goodness. Bearing that testimony is cleansing of shame, guilt and self destructive behavior, the threefold fire of Samsara. (mundane material life) Krsna has a great plan how he will bring all things back unto Himself. Only He can reveal it to those who believe him and serve him with humble hearts. This is a requirement to receive the highest calling in life, although there be many spiritual paths and Chrsmata is The Essence behind them all. Chrsmata, (The Holy Spirit) is the Mothering Spirit Of Krsna. It is completely subordinate to Him and holds all things in place. It is nature and all it's manifestations, infinitely unfolding and being preserved by the testimonies of Krishna's Divine Purpose.

The Authority Of The Spirit is Krishna alone! Just saying The Name Krishna reveals his very persona or any animus which reflects his Character to the person feeling him and trying to see His Face. Krishna is a person with a fair countenance and long black hair, wearing a cloak over his heart. His Heart reveals all truth and in knowing him we understand the mystery of the universe and how The Lord preserves it. He does so by his word, by the very thoughts in his mind and the intents of His Heart. Hearing The Word Of The Lord is not a study lesson, but a direct revelation of your relationship with Him. It is that You and I relationship which every creature already has with The Lord God Almighty. He is All In All.

Monday, January 23, 2012

The Easy Way Of The Name

The Way Of The Name is easier than any other path to God. I spent many years trying to speak convincingly about The Way, The Truth And The Life. However, the most important thing Jesus said was, "I will show The Father unto whom I will." Jesus Christ is Brahma (or The Breath) and He is The Creator Of The Universe. Krisnha sat on His Throne holding all things in place as the preserving force of The Divine Godhead. He is The Almighty Force who created all things by and through Jesus Christ. Brahma Jesus was The Divine Son and The Firstborn of all that Yahveh created. Being Krsna Himself and the very Akasha Itself, he was pleased with all that The Lord created through him. He sang the names of Krsna as he saw the universe expand.

As promised in The Ancient Vedas, Brahma came as Jesus Christ, wearing the name of Krsna and sharing Bhakti-Yoga or devotional service, which is meditation on The Name. Jesus commanded us to pray to The Father in his name. In other words we acknowledge Jesus an incarnation of Krsna, who is wearing The Name Krishna (or Chrsna) and sharing it with the world. The Christians of today speak of salvation to escape punishment, not realizing that the punishment is being separated from The Name Krsna. He is His Name and glorifying that name is the only salvation there has ever been or ever will be, because it is The One In All.

Sure as The Sun Rises, Jesus by The Name Of Yah, spread Awareness Of Krsna in this manner:

Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

The Supreme Lord Hare

There are many facets of Hinduism, Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism and Islam. The religions of this world are in no way exclusive, despite what they would have us to think. But the truth itself is fully grounded in The Name Of The Lord Hare. He is Yajna, The Supreme Sacrifice, who's name is found in ALL scriptures. The Hebrew Lexicon defines the name Yah as The Sacred Name, because it possesses a sealed truth. The hebrew name Yahveh is another form of the name Yajna or Yadava, the ancient dynasty out from which Krsna Vasudeva was descended. The scriptures of the world all contain forms of names with the definite root Yah. This is what makes the name truly sacred.

The Book Of Malachi prophesies that in the age of Messiah (Yeshiva Krishna), those who meditate upon the name of Yah will be the jewels in the crown of Yahveh Himself. It is important to note that those who see the need for greater and fuller truth will receive The Absolute Truth from Hare who is in fact that truth. Therefore the name YAH is a code name yet fully powerful, being the general name of the ancient dynasty out from which The Lord Himself appears. In this final hour he appears as The Ancient Of Days. Many will think of these words as flowery, seductive or enticing, because they have not been fully enlightened to this truth. The Father is a Person, having an infinite form which is Unborn Infallible and Imperishable. He is All In All.

We who have been endowed through The Grace Of Yah, Yahveh or Yadava release the fullness of truth, simply through meditating on The Names Of The Lord Hare, which names are discovered in those most prominent scriptures of the world. The names Krishna and Ramah represent the two primary incarnations of Lord Hare (or The Supreme Lord) Why would there be more than one name or incarnations of Godhead. Quite simple really. There are innumerable worlds, with countless lifeforms. Even at this moment on this world, there are over six billion human lifeforms. It is necessary for Yah the be incarnated from time to time and in various places, secretly or openly just on one planet. It is impossible for us to count the age of earth or the number of human forms as have been incarnated here. How much more impossible is it to count the measure of progeny throughout an infinite universe with countless worlds or even galaxies.

It is therefore absolutely necessary for The Almighty to be incarnated along with us and to restore the fullness of truth to countless remnants of believers; some possessing fuller knowledge and others The Fulness Of Knowledge Itself. The Name (or Namah) is that fullness, whereas Ramah and Krishna are the two principle incarnations unto which all lifeforms in the universe aspire to serve and whose likeness they seek to evolve into. Therefore those forms which attain accelerated intelligence as they evolve take joy in serving Ramah alone, as well as those who have evolved into His Likeness. He is upright, unborn, perfect and fully impenetrable.

Ramah is only seen in the minds eye of those who meditate on His Absolute Form by faithfully singing the aforementioned names, Ramah and Krishna. Ramah being the most mysterious, hidden, flawless form and Krishna being the the form who stands in the open, expounding in full the truth of himself and the supremacy of devotion to his names. There are innumerable, universal truths, which cannot all be fully expressed; but those who sing these two names will receive constant blessedness, enlightenment and satisfaction. For The Name is The Very Presence Ramah, enlightening the mind with The Supreme Vision of his true form. His Person is Absolute and Infinite Bliss. Sing these glorious names with ease:

hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare
hare rama hare rama rama rama hare hare
hare krsna hare krsna krsna krsna hare hare